Para pensar

Fiquei em choque ao ver esta noticia... a imagem que transborda sofrimento... ninguém, muito menos uma criança podia passar por isto... ninguém... que dor... sem palavras...

Transcrevo a totalidade da notícia, que de tão dura me deixou com o coração apertadinho:

'Morreu a criança que comoveu o mundo com imagem da sua luta contra o cancro

A menina de quatro anos, do Lancashire, em Inglaterra, lutava contra o cancro há cerca de um ano

Jessica Whelan tinha quatro anos e sofria de cancro. Há um mês, o pai, fotógrafo, quis mostrar ao mundo "a verdade e a realidade da situação" que a família vivia, na fotografia "mais difícil" da sua vida. A menina da imagem que deu a volta ao mundo morreu este domingo.

A mensagem do pai que acompanha a fotografia:

'As a photographer it is important to capture the truth and the reality of a situation, too easy it becomes to capture the joy of life whilst discarding the torture that we see.
This is the hardest photograph I have ever made, it is in fact my own four year old daughter. A few days ago she was given what is most likely only a few weeks to live after a battle against cancer that has been waged for over twelve months. This photograph was made in a moment that we as parents could offer her no comfort, her pushing us away whilst she rode out this searing pain in solitude. This sadly, for us as a family, is not a sight that we see rarely. This is now a familiar sight that we see regularly through each day and night, its frequency now more often. This is the true face of cancer, my baby girls blood vessels protruding from beneath her skin, a solitary tear running down her cheek, her body stiffened and her face contorted in pain.
I could try and use a thousand words to describe this image that we as parents are confronted with on a daily basis but these words would fall short of truly depicting the sight we see. With this photo I do not mean to offend or upset, I do mean however to educate and shock those that see it in it’s context. Perhaps by seeing this photo people not in our position will be made aware of the darkness that is childhood cancer, perhaps these same people may be able to do something about it so that in the future no child has to suffer this pain, so that no parent has to bear witness to their own flesh and blood deteriorating daily.
The only apologies I offer are to those that know Jessica, I understand that this photo is hard to see and even harder to absorb. To those that do not know Jessica I offer no apologies, this is what cancer does to a child in their final weeks and days!!! Before her diagnosis I was one of those ignorant to the darkness of childhood cancer, not truly appreciating the hell that it brings. It would never happen to us! Now I give childhood cancer the respect it deserves, seeing too many children suffering this same fate and watching families torn apart.
If this photograph only serves as a purpose to make people think twice about this evil and put into perspective what it does to a child then it has achieved its purpose. Research needs to be done, cures need to be found, too long now has this been allowed to happen.
Please I beg of you, as a heartbroken father, it is too late for my daughter, but childhood cancer needs to be cured. No family should have to go through this hell.'

A notícia foi anunciada pelo pai na mesma página de Facebook. "Sinto ao mesmo tempo tristeza a alívio ao informar a todos que a Jessica encontrou finalmente paz às sete da manhã. Já não sofre", escreveu Andy Whelan.

A menina de quatro anos, do Lancashire, em Inglaterra, lutava contra o cancro há cerca de um ano, quando lhe foi diagnosticado um neuroblastoma, um tumor pediátrico agressivo que afeta o sistema nervoso.

Quando Whelan publicou a foto da filha a família já tinha recebido a notícia de que não havia esperança de recuperação e lutava para dar o máximo de conforto e alegria a Jéssica nos seus últimos dias. "Esta é a verdadeira face do cancro", escreveu na altura. "É preciso continuar a investigar, é preciso encontrar curas, há muito tempo que deixamos que isto aconteça."

Apesar de ser uma doença rara, o cancro pediátrico é a principal causa de morte natural em crianças com mais de um ano em Portugal.'

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